
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things I love Thursdays!

I was reading Better, Homes, and Gardens magazine a few months ago and I saw an article for a Pink Lemonade Blueberry. A pink blueberry! I just think it's one of the coolest  things I've seen in a while. You can actually purchase it here through Burpee although if you type in Pink Lemonade Blueberry you can find it on other websites also. Funny enough the picture is from the Pink Lemonade Blueberry's Facebook fan page :). I think this would be so much fun to make a blueberry pie with pink blueberries. I've always loved growing out of the ordinary vegetables and fruits, really I've only grown vegetables unless we're talking about tomatoes, then I've grown Zebra, Orange, tiny red ones, Pear and I think I even attempted Black Krim at one point. The problem was I have two dogs who love gardens so we planted the garden outside of the fence then I had deer and voles who love gardens, argh! I've also mostly successfully frown purple tomatillos and lemon cucumbers, those are fun but prickly until you take all of the prickles off. Is prickles a word? It makes sense to me :)

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