
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do you love bread like I love bread?

This is probably one of the easiest throw together breads that there is to make. This is a basic peasant style bread with a nice crust. I baked it on a pizza stone so it was even crustier. Yum! If you don't have a pizza stone (or a bread stone, same thing really) and you like to make pizzas or bread this is a wonderful investment. I have three actually :) One for my toaster oven, and two full size ones for my regular oven, one square and one round. This bread is so versatile because you can add herbs, cheeses, jalapenos anyone, garlic, or anything else you think might be good. Sometimes I come up with weird combinations that sound good to me but not to anyone else, oops. Another option is brushing it with olive oil before baking and sprinkling with a course salt.

Peasant Bread

1 1/2 cups water
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
3 1/2 cups bread flour
2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast

Pour the warm water and yeast into a bowl and stir, let sit five minutes until foamy. Add in the salt, sugar, and flour. Mix with dough hook on mixer, or by hand until well mixed, then mix another minute or two. Place dough in a greased bowl and cover with a towel or greased plastic wrap. Let dough rise until doubled, maybe an hour depending on humidity. Shape dough and place on baking pan or pizza peel sprinkled with cornmeal, cover with plastic or towel, let rise until almost doubled. Bake at 375F until light golden brown 25-35 minutes. I did make two small loaves instead of one large loaf and put the other half of the dough in a greased freezer bag in the freezer. Then I can just pull it out the day before I want to make it and pop it in the refrigerator until thawed and proceed with the second rise then bake it.

Happy Baking!

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