
Friday, October 21, 2011

Rotini and Cheese Please...

Of course on the way to finding dessert you find dinner, just like when you're having dessert you may already be thinking about breakfast. It's sort of like when you're having a chocolate dessert and then start thinking of chocolate chip pancakes. My grandmother used to make us homemade mac and cheese but it this is an updated version of her recipe (without Velveeta and some other modifications). This recipe is easy to change to what you like or don't like or add in some extra vegetables or different cheeses. I'm pretty sure I use a different cheese each time I make it because I use what's in my refrigerator usually :). 

Rotini and Cheese

Makes about 3 side servings or two main servings

1 cup uncooked rotini, penne, or other pasta, whole wheat if you prefer
1 cup 1% milk
1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
dash salt
as much pepper as you like
dash of cayenne (a put in a little more because I like it spicier)
1-1 1/2 cups shredded cheese, any flavors, I like colby jack, cheddar, Italian blend...
1/2 can diced tomatoes, undrained, any variety you like, I usually just use unsalted petite diced
1. In a saucepan cook and drain the pasta following package directions. Put back in saucepan and cover to keep warm.
2. In another saucepan stir together milk, flour, salt, pepper, and cayenne until smooth, using a wire whisk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat, stir in cheese until melted, then stir in tomatoes.
3. Add pasta to cheese mixture. If desired, sprinkle with bread crumbs, spray with a little pan spray and bake at 350F until edges are bubbly and bread crumbs are brown.

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