
Monday, January 30, 2012

Meatless Mondays! Tofu Parmesan

Here we are at Meatless Mondays again. I love desserts but I think these are pretty fun too! Please forgive my picture taking. I always have problems taking dinner food pictures because usually it's dark outside this time of year and we have so much going on in the evenings. I just want you to know this is delicious! I've made it twice, once like this, and once without the sauce, just like lightly breaded chicken.

I really like this recipe though and if I come up with something else to do with it I may post it as a note or something one day. Maybe a honey mustard sauce would be good? Maybe I will find the homemade bbq sauce recipe I've talked about before...

I found this recipe over on I Found Happy a few weeks ago and saved it in my "I want to make this" file. I'm really glad I did. She has a lot a great pictures of the process that I neglected to take. As you can see we ate it with spaghetti and green beans. Yum!

Tofu Parmesan
Makes 10 servings

- 14 oz. extra firm tofu
- ½ c flour
- 2 eggs
- 2 tb milk
- ½ c Italian or regular breadcrumbs
- ½ c panko breadcrumbs
- ½ tsp garlic powder
- ½ tsp dried basil
- ½  tsp salt
- 1 ½  tsp grated parmesan
- 3-4 tb canola oil
- ½ cup shredded mozzarella or Italian cheese blend
- ½ cup of your favorite marinara

1. Drain tofu and press to get out excess water. Slice tofu in 1/4–1/2 inch thick slices widthwise. You should end up with about 10 slices.
2. Measure flour into a bowl or on a plate big enough to fit a tofu slice. Beat egg and milk together in another bowl. Mix all breadcrumbs, spices and salt in another dish.
3. Take one tofu slice and dip it into the flour. Coat tofu on all sides with flour. Next dip into the egg mixture. Finish with coating in the breadcrumbs, again on all sides. Repeat with remaining tofu.
4. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat until hot. If your pan isn't large enough for all slices, use only 1/2 the oil the first round. Gently place tofu slices into pan and cook undisturbed for 2 minutes.
5. Flip and cook for 2 minutes more.
6. Preheat oven to 350. Remove tofu to cookie sheet and top with shredded cheese. Bake until melted or browned to your liking (about 5 minutes).
7. Plate with some pasta and veggies, top with the marinara and dinner is done.

Printable recipe

Recipe from I found Happy

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