
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Super Mini Whole Wheat Doughnuts

It's a new year and everyone (for the most part) is trying to be healthier. I do love doughnuts though and snacking on a few of these feels indulgent but not overwhelming. They are made with whole wheat flour after all (and a little all-purpose but we won't pay attention to that :) ). Sometimes eating healthier feels like you're missing out on something, or everything. I do love food that is bad for you, a lot. Doughnuts are a food that is usually bad for you, but you can feel somewhat good about eating a few of these at least. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Copycat Thin Mints

The time of year when Girl Scout cookies come out is looked forward to by so many people each year. In case you missed it, then this recipe is for you! (If you haven't missed it then you should totally support them and buy some cookies :) ). Then you can make these at any time of year for a little bit of that delicious mint and chocolate flavor. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Banana Brownies with Peanut Butter Drizzle

I just want to say I am loving these crazy brownies! The combination of banana and chocolate is so so good. It's the same as a chocolate covered banana that's been frozen and rolled in peanuts but really not at all :). There are so many fun flavors that brownies can meld with that the list would be endless. I have a list of brownie flavor ideas and I'm pretty sure there are at least thirty or forty. That's a lot of brownies...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Raisin Creme Cookies!

Sometimes when you make a recipe you start out with one thing in mind then slowly as you're mixing and stirring you start thinking about other things and what you intended is nothing like what you ended up with. I changed the recipe to begin with then baked it, ate one, and decided it would be delicious with creme in the middle! It's not always a bad thing to have something completely different from what you started out making. Take these cookies for example. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Meatless Monday! Edamame Stew with Pita Bread

As a vegetarian (or pescatarian to be specific) sometimes I find myself eating the same foods over and over. It's probably just because I really like them, but when I look through cookbooks and magazines I have a million new recipes marked to try. This is one of those. I usually don't keep recipe magazines around because then I will never go through them again because I won't ever remember which magazine a recipe was in. Are you like that? Instead I have a binder full of age protectors and when I see a recipe in a magazine I like then I tear it out and put it in my binder. The page usually lists at the bottom which magazine it was from and it's easier to find the recipe without looking through a million magazines. :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Crusty Rosemary French Bread

I'm pretty sure I've loved bread my whole life. I used to be picky about which breads I would eat, but that is not a problem anymore. I pretty much love all of them now. There is almost nothing better to me than eating warm bread, with a little butter if necessary. But nice fresh, warm bread usually doesn't need any butter. When we ate this bread with dinner, we didn't use any butter. The loaf is so soft on the inside and crusty on the outside I just ate it straight when it was warm.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Things I Love Thursday!

I used to do a feature called Things I Love Thursday and I am planning to start up that weekly post again with different things I've pinned or found around the internet. I'm pretty excited about sharing all of the fun things with you all because I hope that they will inspire you to try new recipes or projects!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ganache Filled Sugar Cookies

When I was in school one of my favorite projects was to take a commerical product and follow the ingredient list to try to recreate the product. The professor warned the class not to pick Nilla wafers even though they same easy because the project is a lot harder than that. People picked all kinds of different baked good products and attempted to recreate them, because ingredient lists always list the ingredients by the most in the product to the least in the product. I picked a cookie from a local grocery store that I was (still am) in love with. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Does butter really make everything better?

I believe that for most people bacon makes everything better, but seeing how I don't eat bacon, butter usually does make everything better. Especially in these biscuits, brushed lightly on the tops with butter and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, yum! Butter is an ingredient that most people say is bad for you, but in moderation it's okay with me :). I on the other hand will not be found eating margarine or any butter-like spread. I buy real butter, and usually only unsalted. I love to bake with it and eat it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Snickersnaps and a Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! My Christmas was wonderful, my New Year's was uneventful (which I prefer), and the in between was lots of fun time spent visiting family. I know I've been missing for about a week and a half but I thought about you all everyday and the posts I want to share. I made these delicious cookies for you before Christmas and meant to share them but that didn't happen. So, here we are.  A little holiday flavor after the holiday is okay too. I know I will make these year round anyway.