
Friday, March 29, 2013

Lime Meringue Bars

Easter is in a few days and despite the fact that I am a serious planner, I am not ready yet. I'm a little nervous about buying eggs at the store because I have an irrational fear there won't be any. Maybe I'm not a great planner, but I try anyway. Remember that Spring Vegetable Bread I made? I'm making that recipe into rolls for dinner. For whatever reason that is pretty exciting me to me. I will post updated directions on the recipe to reflect dinner rolls as well as the larger loaf.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Panna Cotta in Egg Shells (vegetarian)

Spring is here and Easter is almost here so this is the perfect time for fun Spring themed desserts! To me, these cute little cups resemble tulips. I love the way that they came out. I've had this idea in my head for a while and have been wanted to make them before Easter. I think that desserts with vanilla beans in them look so pretty and it's fun that you can see the little black specks that add such intense flavor.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Meatless Monday! Individual Winter Garden Casseroles

It may be officially Spring but it's definitely snowing outside my door, as it is all over the country. Last night while watching the weather on tv we were laughing because it started out as 1-3 inches of snow, then they came on and said that we have about 3 inches so now they're calling for 3-5 inches. As more snow fell then they kept changing the forecast. We don't get much snow here but when it does snow it's usually amusing watching the forecasts change regularly so that they can seem like they had it right the first time. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Flowers

Spring always reminds me of flowers, as I'm sure it does for most people. I know we will be seeing many more flowers incorporated into desserts and sweet treats starting over the next few weeks. Lots of pastel colors will probably be making their way into pictures too, I'm sure they will be beautiful. These little peanut butter flowers are bite size and perfect for a small tray of sweet treats.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Improv Reveal Day! Spring Vegetable Bread

One of my favorite things to eat is warm bread that is freshly made. The flavor is usually unbeatable in combination with the crisp crust and soft middle. Even the next day the same bread usually doesn't taste the same, not necessarily any worse, just not as good as when it's fresh from the oven. Adding natural colors to bread always adds visual excitement and adding flavors also contribute to deliciousness.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Deep Dish Hot Fudge Brownie Sundaes

Today is the first day of Spring, although I haven't heard from anyone who says it feels like it. It's only 29F here right now, but a high of 58F so it may sort of feel like Spring if you stand in the sun this afternoon and hope there isn't a chilly wind. On the up side, my dogs are loving the current weather and enjoy lounging on the deck outside. I'm thinking that these deep dish hot fudge brownie sundaes will make me feel better though.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Meatless Monday! Enchilada Soup

I have always had a love for Mexican inspired dishes and this soup is no exception. At first I wasn't to sure about it because it has pumpkin in it, but once I tried it, I was hooked. I could probably eat this soup once a week because it's so good! This soup is perfect for a cold night and quick and easy to make in under 30 minutes (maybe even 20 depending on how fast you chop vegetables).

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spicy Gingersnaps

So has anyone noticed a few things going on with my blog? Aside from the whole header disappearing for who knows how long yesterday of course. I added a "pin it" button next to the first picture on every recipe yesterday (that took a while, whew). I also took the opportunity to redesign my header and add a Bloglovin' button and a Google + button to make it easier to follow my blog (hint hint) :). Please let me know if anything looks wonky (technical term of course).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Candied Bacon Fudge

Happy "Pi" Day everyone! I got a little ahead of myself yesterday thinking it was the 14th. I was so excited to have not missed a fun holiday that I posted a day early :). So, here we are on national "pi" day and I'm posting fudge. But, it's Candied Bacon Fudge! Does it get better than that? I'm not really sure, since I personally haven't tried it seeing as how I don't eat bacon. But I have several taste testers who honestly tell me if it's postable and they all had positive reactions to this little square of delight.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy Almost "Pi" Day Everyone!

I just wanted to drop in to say Happy Almost "Pi" Day everyone! I whipped up a Blueberry-Cherry pie for my husband's birthday yesterday, just in the time for the holiday. I haven't made a fruit pie in years but it was by request. I'm not posting the recipe because although it tastes delicious, I'm not happy with the amount of liquid that was in the pie after baking. I need to work on thickening it before I would be willing to share it because I only share recipes that I am completely satisfied with the results :).

Monday, March 11, 2013

Meatless Monday! Carrot & Potato Pancakes

I'm one of those people that consider myself a planner (for the most part). Each weekend I sit down and write on a calendar what we are having for dinner every night for the following week. Then, optimally I can go shopping at the grocery store all in one trip for the whole week. Writing down the menu on a calendar also helps with reminding me about dinners we enjoyed. If the recipe is from a cookbook I write the book and the page number, if it's from a printed recipe then I have a different notebook where I store the ones that are keepers.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quick Apple Pie A La Mode

Sometimes comfort food is in order and apple pie is definitely a comfort food to me. There has been a lot going on around the house here lately and easy desserts are something I am really interested in right now. One of the great things about this dessert is that it's a multitasker. What I mean by that (because I know you're looking at the screen saying "what?") is that I served some of the apples as a side dish with dinner (you will see that dinner on Monday) then we had the other two servings for dessert...with the ice cream and graham crackers. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Meatless Monday and Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day!

I have missed all of you so much! Today is a fun day because it's Meatless Monday and it's reveal day for the Secret Recipe Club! This week has been a little crazy because just five short days ago we added to our family! I have a son and a daughter now and don't quite know what to do with myself. I haven't talked to much about my pregnancy on here, but I'm obviously super excited and wanted to share. So consequently my posts may or may not be a little spottier, we will see how that works out. So much excitement!

Friday, March 1, 2013

See you very soon!

I know I've been missing recently and I would like everyone to know that I appreciate all of my readers and I will be back very soon. I had my daughter a few days ago, so I've been a bit preoccupied :)! At the latest I have a post set up for Monday that I am quite excited about sharing with you. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you all soon!