
Monday, March 4, 2013

Meatless Monday and Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day!

I have missed all of you so much! Today is a fun day because it's Meatless Monday and it's reveal day for the Secret Recipe Club! This week has been a little crazy because just five short days ago we added to our family! I have a son and a daughter now and don't quite know what to do with myself. I haven't talked to much about my pregnancy on here, but I'm obviously super excited and wanted to share. So consequently my posts may or may not be a little spottier, we will see how that works out. So much excitement!

So, here's a peek at my new little love...5 days old

Onto the reveal!...

So today is reveal day for the Secret Recipe Club! If you've never heard of The Secret Recipe Club before, then you can find out more information by clicking here. The idea is that all of the members are assigned a blog (secretly of course!) and each member can peruse their assigned blog to find something that they would like to make, or several things to make in the future. The assigned blogs are kept completely secret until the reveal day and time, then you get to see who had your blog, and you get to post about what you made from your assigned blog. It's a lot of fun, and a great way to discover new blogs and recipes.

I was assigned to The Weekend Gourmet which is written by Wendy. She lives in Texas and her blogs tagline is "One Texas Cooks Big-Flavor Adventures" which I think is great and definitely describes her blog. I love spicy foods that that is the place to go for some great recipes and product recommendations. Her "favorites page" is pretty fun because it talks about her favorite cookbooks, ingredients, and kitchen tools. Her "media and awards page" is quite impressive! I definitely got lost in her "recipe index" for an extended period of time trying to decide what to make!

I was immediately drawn to the recipe for Spicy Soy Chorizo Soft Tacos with Chile-Lime Crema because I absolutely love the Trader Joe's soy chorizo. It's spicy and delicious. I often use it to make Huevos Rancheros but hadn't tried it in tacos and this looked like the perfect opportunity. These were easy to make and I really liked them! Coincidentally I did use the filling that we didn't put in tacos, for breakfast the next morning mixed with eggs similar to huevos rancheros and that was delicious too. If you're looking to make meatless taco this is the recipe for you!

Spicy Soy Chorizo Soft Tacos with Chile-Lime Crema
Serves 8

- 1 lb Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and cut into ¼” cubes
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- ½ sweet onion, diced
- 1 anaheim chile
- 3 garlic gloves, minced
- 8 ounces lowfat sour cream
- 1 tablespoon chile powder
- Juice of a small lime
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 12 ounces soy chorizo
- 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
- Flour tortillas

- Fresh tomatoes, chopped
- Shredded cheese

1.  Add the chopped potatoes to boiling water that has been lightly salted. Let the potatoes cook for about 12 minutes or until tender. In a skillet over medium heat with the 2 tablespoons of olive oil, saute the onion, chile, and garlic for 4-5 minutes or until the onion is tender.
2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together the sour cream, chile powder, lime juice, milk, and salt until blended completely, set aside in the refrigerator.
3. Drain the cooked potatoes, then let sit in the colander to cool. Add the soy chorizo to the onion mixture in the skillet and cook for about 10 minutes over medium-high heat. The mixture should be lightly browned when it is finished cooking. Pour the onion-chorizo mixture into a separate bowl and set aside.
4. Wipe out the skillet and add the 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan. Over medium-high heat brown the potatoes to a golden color, which should take about 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Gently stir in the soy chorizo mixture.
5. Serve the soy chorizo mixture in warm flour tortillas and top with some of the chile-lime crema, chopped tomatoes, and shredded cheese.
Printable recipe

Recipe from The Weekend Gourmet


  1. congratulations on the new addition! I had your blog this month & loved your quick chocolate pudding. these tacos sound amazing. :)

    1. Thanks Sarah! I love what you did with the chocolate pudding :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. CONGRATS!!! She's adorable! I actually just tried that Soy Chorizo at TJ's- it was the sample not too long ago (chopped up and mixed with their mac and cheese, to die for) and I LOVED it. Now I can buy it because I know what to use it with! Looks delish. Stopping by from SRC's March Reveal- cannot wait to read more of your blog.

    1. Thanks Beth! I really love the soy chorizo with it's slightly spicy flavor that makes it perfect in so many recipes :)

  3. Never tried soy chorizo before - thinking a trip to Trader's Joe is needed!
    BTW - your daughter is gorgeous!!!! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Amanda! It's definitely worth stopping my Trader Joe's to pick up some soy chorizo (in my opinion of course).

  4. Oh bless, what a cutie, congrats! Though not as cute, almost as delicious looking, love your tacos.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my SRC entry Loaded Potato Soup.


    1. Thank you Lisa! Your potato soup looks delicious, I will have to make it soon with all of this cold weather outside :)

  5. Congratulations! I just recently discovered Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo, using it in a quick paella. Love your pick for this month.

    1. Thanks Camilla! Paella is a great idea for the soy chorizo, I will have to try that soon! :)

  6. Congrats on your new baby...too adorable! I'm so glad you had my website this month, and that you liked the soy chorizo tacos. It's a great ingredient to shave a few calories and lots of fat...but still keep the spice. Great job...and so nice to discover your blog!!

  7. Yum! These look terrific! And congrats on the new baby; adorable! I can't believe you participated this month and are blogging at 5 days post partum! That's impressive!

  8. how sweet is your little one?!? yay for src :)

  9. Adorable little bundle. And the tacos look good too.

  10. Congrats on the new addition to your family! I've been trying to get my husband to try soy "meats", but he is still resistant. Maybe I can sneak in soy chorizo and he won't know. Great SRC choice!
