
Monday, April 8, 2013

Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day! Pumpkin Doughnuts

It's definitely April and I'm making pumpkin doughnuts which are usually only talked about in the autumn months. There's a reason why though, they're delicious! Baked doughnuts are so quick and easy to make it's a wonder I don't make them every weekend. I should, or maybe I shouldn't. If you've ever thought about making some doughnuts at home but you don't want to fry them then you should consider getting a doughnut pan so that you can bake some. When you make them at home then you can control every ingredient that goes into them.

Today is reveal day for the Secret Recipe Club! If you've never heard of The Secret Recipe Club before, then you can find out more information by clicking here. The idea is that all of the members are assigned a blog (secretly of course!) and each member can peruse their assigned blog to find something that they would like to make, or several things to make in the future. The assigned blogs are kept completely secret until the reveal day and time, then you get to see who had your blog, and you get to post about what you made from your assigned blog. It's a lot of fun, and a great way to discover new blogs and recipes. You can see my previous reveals here and here.

This month I was assigned to The Daily Dish Recipes. Nicole is the author and her blog is awesome!  I hadn't seen it before and I am subscribed now because her recipes are approachable and look delicious. The first time I looked at her site I was clicking around for probably an hour bookmarking all of the recipes I want to make. I was only able to make the Pumpkin Doughnuts so far but I'm planning on making the Homemade Fried Pickles and Avocado Fries with Garlic Lime Chili Aioli the next time we have a "fry day" here (which happens about every other month). It usually involves cheese sticks, maybe some funnel cake batter, or jalapenos. 

I had a little fun with the Pumpkin Doughnut recipe and dipped some of the finished doughnuts in a sugar glaze that resembles the one from Krispy Kreme and some on a coffee glaze that also crisps up on the outside. I loved the sugar glaze. The coffee glaze was good but you couldn't really taste the coffee, it just tasted like the sugar glazed one. If you're feeling wild and have some piping hot coffee then you could try it though and you may love it. 

I also followed Nicole's suggestion and dipped some of them in cinnamon-sugar after brushing them lightly with some melted butter. We had some friends who came to visit that day and they helped us finish off the doughnuts, for taste tester duties of course :). I hope you enjoy them as much as we did! Don't forget to visit The Daily Dish Recipes to see what she's cooking up!

Pumpkin Doughnuts
Makes about 18 full size doughnuts

- 1 can pure pumpkin (not pie filling)
- 1/2 cup canola oil
- 3 large eggs
- 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/2 teaspoon ginger
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 3/4 cups + 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Spray the doughnut pan with nonstick cooking spray, set aside.
2. In a medium bowl mix the pumpkin, canola oil, eggs, and sugar until blended. In a small bowl stir together the cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, salt, baking powder, and flour.
3. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until smooth and mixed completely.
4. Using a spoon or a piping bag, fill the doughnut wells about 3/4 full.
5. Bake the doughnuts for 16-17 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool the doughnuts for 5 minutes, then remove from pan to a cooling rack.

If desired, brush lightly with melted butter then dip into a cinnamon-sugar mixture. I mixed 1/2 cup granulated sugar with 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

Alternatively, dip the doughnuts into a vanilla glaze or a coffee glaze:
- 2 3/4 teaspoons butter, melted
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2-3 tablespoons hot water or hot coffee

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Dip doughnuts and let them drip while sitting on a wire rack (I always put a paper towel underneath).

This recipe may be linked up to:

· Inside BruCrew Life - Time to Sparkle Tuesday's
· Pint Sized Baker - Marvelous Mondays 
· The Mandatory Mooch - Tasty Thursdays 
· Back For Seconds - Back For Seconds Social Link Party
· Real Housemoms - Fabulous Fridays! 
· Lemons For Lulu - Saturday Share with Us Link Party
· Kitchen Meets Girl - What's In Your Kitchen Wednesday
· DJ's Sugar Shack - Whatcha Whipped Up?
· Mom's Test Kitchen - Wonderful Food Wednesday's
· The Real Housewives of Riverton - Riverton Housewives Round Up
· Mandy's Recipe Box - Totally Tasty Tuesday's
· A Pinch of Joy - Busy Monday Link Party 
· House of Hepworth's - Hookin up with HoH 
· Couponing & Cooking - Mealtime Monday 
· What's Cooking, Love? - Showcase Your Talent Thursday 
· Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo - Anything Goes Linky
· Chef in training - Tuesday Talent Show
· Dwell on Joy - Dwell on Friday 
· Six Sister's Stuff - Strut Your Stuff Saturday
· A Slice of Southern - Southern Sundays 

Don't forget to follow me on Blog Lovin' so you don't miss a recipe!


  1. Oh pumpkin! You know the way to my heart. I love the way those look.

    1. Thanks Lisa! I'm so glad you could stop by :)

  2. Such gorgeous golden donuts! Beautiful recipe!

  3. You did such a great job, these are my very favorite! I love that you do them in April... I'll make them anytime of year.
    Glad you picked this recipe.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I really loved the recipe and your blog :)

  4. I saw these going around last fall and I meant to make them. now you are inspiring me to actually do these donuts. They really look great, nice SRC pick.

    1. You really should make them, they're delicious! :)

  5. Great pick! I stock up on canned pumpkin whenever it goes on sale in the fall, just so I can make pumpkiny goodness year-round... and these donuts definitely look like they're worthy of busting open my pumpkin stash. :) Now I just need to get myself a donut pan. :)

    1. That's a great idea to stock up on pumpkin in the fall. I will defintely be making these again soon! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. I love the pumpkin spice donut at Krispy Kreme, so I would love to try these. Beautiful, and probably ten times healthier! Great choice!

    1. They do seem pretty healthy because they're baked at home. I loved the sugar glaze on them just like the one at Krispy Kreme!

  7. Pumpkin doughnuts anytime are a welcome treat. Yours look wonderful.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my SRC entry: Laura Goodenough's Apple Coffee Cake


    1. Thanks Lisa! I will definitely stop by and see your coffee cake :)

  8. I love the idea of adding the pumpkin!

    Unfortunately my post missed the blog hop due to tech issues… is the link as I'd hate for people to miss seeing Aly's recipe and her wonderful blog -

    1. Thanks! The pumpkin is a nice change of pace flavorwise with doughnuts.

  9. I always thought you had to deep fry donuts. These look amazing and that glaze....yum.

    1. Thanks! Deep fried doughnuts are delicious but baking them makes them so much healthier.

  10. These look divine! I'd love for you to stop over and share them at Mix it up Monday:

    I hope to see you soon :)

  11. I LOVE pumpkin anything. These looks delicious! I can't wait to try these. Thanks for sharing with the SRC.

    1. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did! Thanks for stopping by :)

  12. Baked and pumpkin. I might like these!

  13. These donuts sound wonderful. I bet they go great with a hot cup of coffee! Thanks for sharing at Two Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker. I've pinned this for later.
