
Friday, May 31, 2013

Cheddar Cheese Straws

I haven't posted in a while I know, I've been super busy doing all sorts of things. Mostly I've been hanging out with family but also baking up some new treats. I just haven't taken the time to post them. I don't know where the days go sometimes. These Cheddar Cheese Straws should make up for some of my absence though, hopefully! I think they're pretty great, and I should know because I probably ate a quarter of the batch in just a few hours.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes

Cheesecake is such a decadent dessert that people love but rarely make. I feel safe assuming it could be the time involved in preparing it. There's no reason to shy away though, these mini chocolate cheesecakes are portion controlled (only makes seven) and you could have them prepared in less than a half hour in most cases. I love the versatility that these provide because you can make them how you want them.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Roasted Strawberry & Pineapple Shortcakes

I've been on a kick lately with roasting foods in the oven, first tomatoes, onions, and red peppers, and now strawberries and pineapples. I couldn't have picked two foods that are more different from each other. But the oven is just so easy. I should take the time to roast some foods on the grill, that would be really nice. The smokey flavor would really add to the dish probably. Any way you cook them, these are delicious though!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookie Meringues (only 4 ingredients!)

I know what you're thinking...those look just like chocolate chip cookies!. Yes they do. How cool is that? Until you try one of course, then you bite into a light and crunchy meringue cookies with chocolate chips in every bite. I think these may be one of my new favorite cookies. I absolutely could not stop eating them. The recipe makes 1 1/2 dozen and I'm confident I took out at least half the batch all by myself. The only reason I restrained myself and didn't eat more was because I actually made them for someone else, luckily they didn't need many :).

Monday, May 13, 2013

Meatless Monday! Roasted Golden Gazpacho

Hot summer days usually make people want food on the grill or dishes that are served cold. Gazpacho is a perfect summer appetizer, side, or main course depending on the portion served. Usually gazpacho is made with fresh, uncooked vegetables but I got a little crazy and roasted a few of them in the oven, then pureed them up for the soup. I believe that the vegetables being roasted in the oven really add to the final flavor of the dish.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Strawberry Windowpane Cookies for Teacher Appreciation Week

Sometimes I get an idea in my head and tell myself "oh yeah, I can do that in a reasonable amount of time with a 2 month old and a 4 year old"...It doesn't usually work out to be completed in a reasonable amount of time, as I'm sure you figured out. Such is the case with the cookies I made for Teacher Appreciation Week, which is this week if you didn't already know that. Now...about the cookies. Don't let that fool you though, there's no refrigerating the dough before rolling so these are actually really quick to make if you're not stopping every two minutes to help a child with something :).

Monday, May 6, 2013

No Bake Almond Cheesecake! Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day!

I'm slowly becoming more of a chocolate dessert person. I used to just enjoy chocolate pieces and truffles but not usually chocolate cake or chocolate based desserts. My current obsession is molten chocolate cake. I could eat it every. single. night. I'm also a huge supporter of fresh whipped cream made with heavy cream and powdered sugar (and sometimes vanilla). It adds such a lovely flavor and nice light texture to desserts.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Blueberry Pomegranate Cookie Bars

Warm summer days are getting closer and the chilly spring mornings and evenings seem to be happening less often, at least where I live. At our old house (the last two actually) we didn't have a good outdoors setting, like a patio or deck. Where we live now we have a deck and that makes me so excited. I look forward to sitting outside with a beverage and maybe some cookie bars or even dinner and just watching the birds and talking to whoever is with me.