
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Baked Dark Chocolate Doughnuts


If you haven't noticed, I love doughnuts. Pretty much all doughnuts, well...most doughnuts. But, I love these doughnuts and that's what really matters right? These are cake-like dark chocolate doughnuts that are baked, not fried. I've made fried doughnuts before and they're great but so bad for you even though they're so good. Just like these, except these are better for you. Not good, but better than fried :) so it's like they're good for you.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Meatless Monday! Caprese Stuffed Pitas

Summertime here on the east coast and get really hot and not very many people feel like cooking when it's sweltering outside. I like to look for meals that either don't involve cooking or have very little cooking to them. Food prep I don't mind so much, but nobody really wants to turn on the oven when it's in the 90's outside (or hotter). This is where sandwiches come in. They're usually quick and easy to put together with a minimal amount of cooking.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Upside Down Mini Apple Cakes

There are usually at least a few recipes that people remember with happy thoughts from when they were young. I remember recipes like my grandmothers vanilla sauce but I also have happy food memories. When I would come home from school my mom would make the little plates of snacks themed for the holiday. My favorite was St. Patrick's Day. I would have something like celery with green tinted ranch dressing, maybe pickles, maybe green tinted milk, or whatever my mom could come up with that would be green.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Meatless Monday! Tomato Frittata

If you're looking for an easy weeknight meal, this is it! A frittata is so simple to put together, you can add anything that you want to, and it doesn't take more than 20-30 minutes (depending on how wild you get with ingredients). Fresh tomatoes are one of my favorite foods when they're in season because their flavor is so rich and sweet. They just make everything I add them to taste even better than I thought it could.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Balsamic Strawberry Sorbet

Summer is in full swing which means that it's hot outside all the time across most of the country. Where I live it's a high of 96 degrees today. I think I will be staying inside and eating sorbet to cool down. I would eat ice cream but I may or may not have eaten all of my homemade ice cream yesterday. Sorbet is such a cool and refreshing treat and making it yourself ensures that you can put whatever ingredients that you want to into it making it your own creation.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mushroom & Apple Pizza! Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day!

Today is Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day! I'm always so excited about today (each month) to see what everyone made from other blogs (especially mine). I know I've made a lot of pizzas that I've posted on here, four I think, and I said that I wouldn't make anymore pizza because this is of course a dessert website and not a pizza website. I do love pizza though, a lot. So when I saw this recipe of the website I was assigned to I absolutely had to try it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fudge Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are a classic treat and I'm pretty sure I don't know of anyone who doesn't love them. Sometimes I made traditional chocolate chip cookies but most of the time I can't bring myself to do it. I like to change them up a bit in one way or another. I've tried lots of ways, adding nuts, adding multiple types of chips, filling them with something like caramel or peanut butter, or stirring in some candies. I decided this time that a nice fudge filling would be delicious and I'm a pretty big fan of these.